Granting credit for prior learning ensures that students commence study at a level that appropriately recognises their prior learning experiences, and are not required to repeat equivalent learning successfully undertaken in another context.
Polytechnic Institute Australia (“the Institute”) is committed to develop open and accessible guidelines to grant credit towards a course of study on the basis of prior learning, whether from formal studies or professional work experience.
This policy is designed to both maximise the credit students can gain for learning already undertaken and preserve the integrity of learning outcomes or discipline requirements of the award to which it applies.
This policy incorporates the best practice principles outlined in the AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy.
The Institute’s policy on the granting of credit will:
- Be evidence based, clear, equitable, accessible and transparent;
- Be applied consistently and fairly with decisions subject to appeal and review;
- Recognise prior learning regardless of how, when and where it was acquired, provided that the prior learning is relevant and current and has a relationship to the learning outcomes of the course;
- Be academically defensible and take into account the student’s chance of success in a course;
- Be decided in a timely way;
- Ensure that pathways into and between awards are available to all students by furthering articulation pathways with other higher education and vocational training providers and facilitating transfers between courses at the Institute; and
- Be formally documented for the student including any reasons for not granting credit.